As part of our re-structuring of junior high-performance tennis, TSA is looking to appoint a new panel of five junior national selectors. For the avoidance of doubt, one of this panel of five selectors will be a Convenor of Selectors. This Convenor will be the new TSA head of high performance, coaching and junior tennis – a full-time staff position that TSA is currently in the process of filling.

Being a junior national selector is not a salaried or paid position and national selectors will not be employees of TSA (the exception being the Convenor of Selectors), but TSA will pay for the travel and accommodation costs of selectors – specifically incurred while on official selection duty.

The initial term for this selection panel will commence on the 1st August 2017 and finish on the 31st March 2019. The end date being in line with the end of TSA’s financial year.

TSA is committed to the Transformation imperatives of the Department of Sport and Recreation of South Africa ("SRSA") and the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee ("SASCOC") as contained in, amongst others, the Transformation Charter for South African Sport.  These imperatives will be considered in our final appointments.  

Should you feel you are a suitable and qualified candidate, then please send your CV and a covering letter to: [email protected]. Applications close at 4pm on the 7th July 2017.                                                 

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